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The ministry of finance, general administration of customs, state administration of taxation on tax policy to inform pesticides
Date:2014-01-08 Font Size:Small Medium Large

  The ministry of finance, general administration of customs, state administration of taxation on tax policy to inform pesticides
  Provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central government, cities under separate state planning departments (bureau), the state administration of taxation, the xinjiang production and construction corps CaiWuJu, guangdong branch, each directly under the customs:
  Approved by the state council, the pesticide tax policies will now notified as follows:
  A, since January 1, 2003, stop the execution of some column name to import pesticides (medicine, technical) shall be exempted from import link value-added tax policy, has a margin to taxes.
  Second, since January 1, 2004, stop the execution of some imported pesticides raw materials and intermediates VAT policy returned to after soliciting.
  Third, since January 1, 2004, the ministry of finance, state administration of taxation on several exempted from VAT of means of agricultural production policy notice (caishui [2001] no. 113) the first item 3 of article about on domestic pesticide production VAT shall be exempted stop the execution of policy.

Address:Shijiazhuang 266 tianshan street party big innovation of science and technology industrial park building no. 1 floor layer 7 Phone:0311-85902232 Fax:0311-85907389
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